
//TODO: Team Name - Cornucopia

Project Description & Features

Welcomed to Cornucopica!!! We provide an ingredient to recipe pairing service. Upon entry visitors have two choices:

  1. Recipe Search - search the recipe database, either by recipe name or by ingredient.
    • Every recipe search displays a preselected number of recipes in a tile format.
    • When a recipe tile is selected it will display the title, a complete list of ingredients, an image and a recipe link in a new popup (modal).
    • When selected the recipe link will open the full recipe in a new tab.
  2. Pantry Pairing - login and have the contents of their Pantry paired with recipes that include those ingredients.
    • Users may add and remove items from their pantry.
    • Users may select one or many items from their pantry to search the recipe database.
    • Selected pantry items will appear with a strikethrough when the recipe tile opens in a new popup (modal).
    • All features of the Recipe Search are available while logged in.

Note: While logged in a user may also update their profile by clicking on the Profile button. The Profile button only appears after login.

Deployed Sites

This application is deployed to Heroku and Github.

Developer Notes

Future Enhancements

  1. Ingredient pricing allowing users to determine the cost of each recipe.
    • Several requests were made to access the Walmart API - still no response. :
  2. Calorie counts per recipe

Technologies Used

Authors (2019)